Reservations and Cancellations

  • You can book your place via the booking page of the website.
  • You will receive a confirmation email, this will contain your welcome letter, directions etc. 
  • If you need to cancel your space with less than 2 weeks notice a refund will unfortunately not be possible, however we will be able to move your booking to another block.
  • At your first class you will be asked to complete a short registration form, if any information changes please ask for a new form. 
  • Courses will only run if there is enough interest, if a block does have to be cancelled then a refund will be provided.

Course Expectations

In order for everyone to relax and enjoy the course there are some simple expectations for everyone to follow. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

  • If taking a photo of your own child please ensure other people are not in the background, unless you have prior permission. Do not post photos of other people's children on social media without their consent.
  • Please ensure that you carry out a patch test with Coconut Oil before coming to class, or alternatively bring your own oil that you have used before. 
  • If you or your baby have any allergies please inform Jemma before the course starts.
  • Please do not attend class if you or your baby are unwell, contact Jemma and a replacement class can be offered in the next available block. 
  • Please be respectful and inclusive at all times during the course. 
  • Please keep hot drinks out of reach of children during refreshment time.
  • Please supervise your children at all times during the class. 
  • I understand that sometimes you may be running late for class, if possible please send a message or email so I know to expect you. *
  • Jemma will take every step to ensure that the class is delivered in a safe and clean environment. 
  • If you wish to see any certificates or documentation please ask. 
  • I will always do my best to ensure classes run smoothly and the content is enjoyable for all families. If there is anything you have not been satisfied with then please do contact me so we can rectify the problem. 


Please contact Jemma if you have any questions at all. 

Many thanks for all your cooperation.