What age can I massage my baby? 

You can massage you baby from newborn, and there are actually many benefits to massaging premature babies in hospital. 

For a class I would recommend from 6 weeks, this gives you some time to rest and recover before attending a class. If you feel ready before this, then that is also fine! 

Can baby massage help with Colic?

Massaging your baby several times during the day can help ease colic symptoms in the evening. Over the course of a block we will learn a routine specifically for easing colic symptoms. 

My baby has eczema, can I use the massage oil? 

Yes you can. The oil I provide you with is Coconut oil, which is beneficial for mild eczema, but I do always recommend everyone does a patch test first. 

If you have an oil that you would prefer to use then you are welcome to bring this along to class. 

I have twins, can I still come to a baby massage class? 

Yes, you can! 

You can bring a partner/grandparent along to massage one baby, and you can swap in the middle so you can experience massaging them both. 

I am also happy to help massage one of the wee ones if you are comfortable with this. Please get in touch and we can make a plan to suit you. 

Please note that there is no extra change for twins, or more! 

I feel a bit nervous coming to a new group and I don't know anyone! 

The classes are all kept small to try and avoid anyone feeling overwhelmed. 

The classes are friendly and you will always be welcomed and settled in. If you have any concerns please get in touch and we can make a plan to ensure you feel comfortable. 

What if I arrive at class and my baby is sleeping?

We always make sure your baby's needs are met first, so if they need to sleep, feed, be cuddled this is all absolutely fine. 

You can still watch and listen in, we will do a recap on the strokes the following week as well. 

You will also be given all the course notes so that you can practice the massage strokes at home. 

Will massage help my baby with digestion? 

Over the course of the block we will learn strokes that can help your baby with constipation and digestion. We will also cover some reflexology that can aid digestion.  It can be really powerful to have these tools when your baby needs them. 

Can my partner come to class with me? 

Yes, they are very welcome. It is lovely to have both parents involved and learning the skill of baby massage together.