Baby massage is a special bonding experience for you and your baby, but it also brings many benefits. 

For Baby:

Bonding and Attachment 

Baby massage has many benefits but above all it provides a quality pleasure filled time between you and your baby. Through regular massage you can gain an even better understanding of your baby, it improves confidence in handling your baby and listening to their cues.

The massage helps you both to relax and enjoy this special time together. 

Digestion Issues

Constipation and wind can be relieved  by regular massage on the abdomen. We will also cover some reflexology that can help with digestion.  


Colic, caused by digestion, can be reduced by regular massage during the day, we will cover a routine for this during the block. Massage also helps both you and your baby to relax , which helps to ease tension and pain to reduce. 

Restlessness and Sleep

Massaging your baby regularly  can help to soothe and comfort them, it can be lovely to include as part of the bedtime routine. Massage raises levels of serotonin, the body's feel good hormone, which can help with falling to sleep. 

Relieves Pain and Discomfort

Regular massage can help to calm and soothe your baby. Research has shown that massage helps to prevent pain impulses being registered by the brain. Massage can also help pain be reduced by a rise in endorphins. Massaging your baby can help them with pain while they grow or experience teething pain.

Weight Gain

Research has shown that premature babies that are massaged and rocked for 3x15 minutes a day over 10 days, had a 47% greater weight gain that those that did not! Massage stimulates the vagus nerve which when relaxed sends the message to the stomach 'It is safe, you are relaxed, absorb food', therefore regular massage can help your baby gain weight. 

For Parents:

Bonding and Attachment

By leaning the skill of baby massage you can open yourself to be truly gentle and loving with your baby. Baby massage raises the oxytocin levels in parents during this special time with your baby. Massage can be a great way for Dads to be involved, particularly if Mum is breastfeeding.  


During massage you are communicating at a deep level the love and respect you have for your baby.  Eye contact, talking/singing and physical closeness are all factors in communication that stimulate your baby's brain and help you and your baby understand each other.  During the massage we also use nursery rhymes to help with speech, language and communication. 


Regular massage can help you gain confidence in handling your new baby, it can also give you confidence as a parent. Baby massage can give you skills to help your baby at trying times which is very empowering as a new parent. 

Support and Education 

Jemma has completed her baby massage instructor training with the Scottish School of Child and Baby Massage, and is qualified and insured to deliver the classes.  Over the block we will always have time to answer any questions you may have or have time to recap on any strokes. Each week as the course progresses we talk about the benefits and how massage can help your baby. 


The small groups can be a great way to meet other Mums in the community, after the massage class we always have a drink and chat together and talk about the highs and lows of parenting! Each block has an optional Whatsapp group as a nice way to extend the community from class, this group can be used to ask questions or to arrange to meet other parents for a walk and a coffee!